The Pirate Frog is an interactive story for children supported by pictograms about a unique frog that travels through space in search of the brightest blue star in the universe.

Scene of the tale projected in an SHX Multisensory Room
This story has been designed by the spanish company Aprendices Visuales, which designs and develops visual tools for schools and students in order to contribute to an inclusive education.
Turning the tale into a living experience…
By using lively projections accompanied with several surrounding effects, this tale becomes an ideal tool for stimulating the user’s senses and a perfect gateway to boosting communication, interaction and participation.

Inside an SHX room, the story includes multiple special effects that match the narrative and make users feel that they are inside the story. Effects such as: light, sounds, narration, wind, soap bubbles, vibration, bubble tube, galactic stars, tactile fiber optics with colors, etc. create an immersive effect that envelops the user and activates the senses.
During the adventure, the pirate frog will encounter some unforeseen events, like a meteor shower that will illuminate the room and vibrate upon landing.
The light effects of the whole room are transformed according to each step of the story in order to recreate at all times the environment of this intergalactic story.
It is especially focused for children with intellectual disabilities, learning difficulties, or for early education, since it helps them with interaction and participation by allowing the user to control the progression of the story, while deciding when the story continues by pressing a switch.
Also, the therapist has control of the story and special effects at all times. This content serves as a therapeutic intervention tool to achieve different objectives adapted to each type of user. The pictograms shown at every step of the story are a very useful support in the understanding of the story when it comes to users with special needs, autism (TEA), Down’s Syndrome, or others.
A romantic and simple story for social inclusion that conveys positive values of overcoming obstacles, companionship, courage and friendship.
Free Project Design
If you want to learn more about the benefits of Multisensory Environments or see how you could adapt it to your space, therapeutic goals, and users, you can send an email to

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The team at Qinera
Qinera produces assistive technology for people with disabilities with the aim of improving their autonomy and life quality.
Its human team includes: occupational therapists, special education teachers, speech therapists, engineers, IT developers and experts in assistive technology.
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