It all started back in Germany, when our partner Rehavista began an amazing journey with Qinera’s Luminea Corner, full of possibilities for transformation. They were the first ones to kick off the Luminea Tour, a journey that lasted an impressive five months and covered a total of 12 centres.
The idea came from the desire to promote Luminea corner within the country. However, many customers expressed hesitation in purchasing these products without first confirming their applicability and benefits. That’s when Rehavista had an idea: what if customers could test the products without the commitment to buy? The challenge was to find a way to offer all the benefits of this little multisensory space without the need for permanent installation.

The Luminea Corner itinerary
After discussion and planning, Rehavista was inspired to create an itinerary Luminea space. Their team would take Qinera products to various cities across the country, allowing people to experience them without any commitment, just the one to actively promote Luminea on social media.
Why Luminea Corner? because of several good reasons:
- It’s a bundle that enables the creation of a small multisensory space filled with therapeutic opportunities.
- Its installation is incredibly simple
- Scalable
- Interactive
- Easy to transport: Rehavista’s team realised that all project elements could fit in a large car.

What are the plan’s details?
First, decide how centres across the country could apply to participate in the tour and the eligibility requirements. Their marketing strategy was grounded in a mix of social media, newsletters, paper brochures, and strategic networking with their target institutions. The idea was straightforward: centres could apply to experience the Luminea Corner for a period of 7 to 14 days. After this period, the products would be collected and moved to the next destination. Rehavista would choose the eligible centers based on criteria such as target groups, location, and a brief description of why they should be chosen.
The next step was logistic planning. To make things slightly easier, a shorter bubble tube was made (160cm height). Now, all they needed to do was plan the travel schedule and promote the project. At the end of the tour, one centre would be chosen by lottery to purchase the bundle with a discount. The aftermath?
- Results exceed expectations
- 12 centres actively participated
- 9 placed orders for Luminea Corner
- 2 awaiting funds for purchase
Moreover, many centres decided to invest in additional elements beyond those offered in the bundle, creating even more comprehensive multisensory environments. In one location, a complete SHX room installation was carried out!

A sensory journey
This sensory journey brought benefits not only to Rehavista but also to the centres, schools, and, most importantly, to the people who now have access to therapeutic multisensory environments in their communities. This is a testament to how innovative ideas and dedication can open doors and create an impact. They’re already planning to do it all over again. What’s more, they warmly encourage our partners and fellow adventurers to consider this path, generously sharing their invaluable experience.
With each Luminea Tour, we’re not just spreading light; we’re illuminating lives and redefining possibilities.

Free Project Design
If you want to learn more about the benefits of Multisensory Environments or see how you could adapt it to your space, therapeutic goals, and users, you can send an email to