Jennifer Arellano
Social Media & Content Manager at Qinera
Read more postsAs people age, they may begin to see a decline in their abilities, which can entail a loss of mobility, mental agility or even friendships. As a society, we have a moral and social obligation to ensure the welfare of our elders, and it is vital that we take responsibility for caring for, protecting and assisting them to the best of our capabilities. Sometimes a warm smile as we cross paths is all it takes; sometimes we need to offer a helping hand to carry heavy bags home, or an arm to steady someone as they cross the street. In other cases, care facilities such as the STIMA day centers for the elderly may be a better option for improving the autonomy and quality of life of our seniors.
The team at the STIMA Embajadores Day Center (Madrid) for the elderly in Madrid have sought to boost the quality of their daily rehabilitation and stimulation sessions by installing a Multisensory Room with SHX technology.
‘Our experience with the SHX room has been excellent. We have witnessed highly positive reactions in people with advanced cognitive impairment when they spend time in the room: they have a desire to communicate, to show their approval or dislike and interact with their environment… In people with mild impairment, we have seen a significant increase in motivation and focus, and they communicate and interact more with others.’
Patricia del Barco, Director of Operations and Quality at STIMA Embajadores.
A sensory room is an effective means of working on multiple therapeutic objectives aimed at improving the quality of life of our elders through controlled sensory stimulation:
In the sensory room at the STIMA Embajadores Day Center, staff conduct therapeutic interventions on a daily basis, which allows them to address multiple objectives, including memory work and reminiscence, orientation, rehabilitation of cognitive abilities, relaxation and emotional well-being. We have recorded the following video of sensory room sessions with STIMA professionals to help you get a better idea of the possibilities and benefits they provide. In it, the team at the Embajadores center describe how SHX technology can be used to slow cognitive decline, accelerate rehabilitation and promote well-being in the elderly.
‘Our multisensory room is equipped with SHX technology, which offers a huge amount of audiovisual content and also allows us to design and adapt new material for any specific user or group, based on their needs, preferences and physical or cognitive condition. This way, we are able to create stimulating environments that absorb, motivate and improve well-being. ‘
María Cruz Hidalgo, Occupational Therapist at STIMA Embajadores.
SHX sensory rooms are fully customizable, allowing therapists to design and create activities based on every user’s needs and experiences. This helps to promote the stimulation of different sensory pathways and provide an interactive atmosphere in which the user can control their surroundings by pressing a button, with a microphone with the SHX voice kit, from a tablet, by stepping on a mat (Sensory Step), or rolling a die (Sensory Cube).
“Keeping elderly people engaged and stimulated is essential to slowing cognitive deterioration or the physical decline that affects day-to-day needs and activities. It also helps to reduce their dependence on others and improve their autonomy.”
Iván García, Director of STIMA Ambassadors.
At BJ Adaptaciones, we want to congratulate the STIMA professionals for the excellent work they carry out every day supporting and caring for the elderly in their day centers. Their passion, expertise and effort is key to strengthening coexistence and working towards a more inclusive future.👏🏻
If you want to learn more about the benefits of Multisensory Environments or see how you could adapt it to your space, therapeutic goals, and users, you can send an email to