When you enter an SHX multi-sensory room, how do you prefer to control it? By rolling a die? By giving a voice command? By pressing a button? Why not try looking at the content you most like and bring out the magic in the whole room?
In this article, we want to show you how to control an SHX sensory room with an exclusive controller that only you have: your eyes.

The SHX multisensory rooms are not only interactive sensory environments, but they also include multiple audiovisual therapeutic contents within the system; such as: videos, stories, activities, or live images that are reproduced on a wall or screen and are accompanied by the rest of the effects of the room. This means that with the push of a button the entire room becomes a single immersive world, so that you feel, for example, that you are under the sea, in a jungle or parachuting. Elements such as the bubble tube, fiber optics, wind, or vibration are activated at the same time to make the experience totally immersive. And now you can activate all this with your eyes as well.
The ability to control a sensory room with your eyes means that people with various physical difficulties or disabilities, and severely affected people can also take control of the room and interact in the first person. This not only empowers the user, but opens up a range of therapeutic possibilities for the professional who will guide the session.
Controlling the room with the gaze is not only suitable for individual users, but for everyone, as it is a hygienic and aseptic solution and avoids cleaning buttons and knobs after each session. It also provides the user with an extra controller and offers a diverse therapeutic opportunity and a reason for leisure and fun.

Get your sessions ready!
If you are a therapist, you can prepare in advance the therapeutic intervention or session and leave ready in the computer the favorite contents of your user or the most suitable ones for the therapeutic objective you want to work on. This option will bring you closer to a personalized therapeutic intervention where the user feels the protagonist, participates, and communicates. Good and stimulating!
Furthermore, the multisensory room has always been a privileged place to train eye tracking, since the intensity of the elements and the motivation they cause in the user makes it possible to work on postural and cephalic control, as well as early visual tracking with elements such as the bubble tube, optical fibers, ultraviolet light and projections.

With the SHX rooms you can complement early visual tracking with the possibility of controlling the room itself with the eyes, starting with screens with few very big buttons and adapting it at all times to the needs and capabilities of the user.
How do I do it?
Controlling a multi-sensory room with your eyes is possible thanks to the SHX technology that creates unique immersive environments. All you need is a computer with an eye-tracking device and the SHX App for Windows installed from the Microsoft Store online store. The configuration is simple and you can learn how to do it here.
Free Project Design
If you want to learn more about the benefits of Multisensory Environments or see how you could adapt it to your space, therapeutic goals, and users, you can send an email to hello@qinera.com.

Multisensory rooms are an excellent resource for the elderly, and the SHX System technology allows them to become an even more powerful therapeutic tool. With age, certain abilities begin to deteriorate, particularly if they are not put to use.