Approaching sensory stimulation in children with Down Syndrome
12 October 2021
At Cromo Suma Foundation (Spain) we approach sensory stimulation therapy in a comprehensive manner. We work with the exteroceptive senses, such as taste, hearing, touch,...
How Multisensory Rooms help Neurodegenerative Diseases
28 September 2021
Nowadays, many neurodegenerative diseases affect the elderly population to a greater extent, due to the aging of society and the increase in life expectancy. Among...
Control your SHX room with your eyes
10 March 2021
When you enter an SHX multi-sensory room, how do you prefer to control it? By rolling a die? By giving a voice command? By pressing...
Control your SHX room with your voice!
24 February 2021
We talk to our friends, our family, others in our environment, our pets, some of us even talk to plants! So why not talk to...
New contents for SHX sensory rooms: early stages and severely affected people
16 December 2020
The early stage is a stage to discover, explore, interact, get excited, and, from our body and its sensations, open ourselves to the world. In...