
A new immersive world at the Lescer Centre

  • 17 January 2023

The Lescer Centre is a pioneering organization in Spain for the treatment of Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). Its team of professionals, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, neuropsychologists, doctors and social workers are continuously innovating and work every day to improve the treatments and to achieve the best possible results for users/patients.

Recently, they have installed a small sensory room in their centre, a space that contains the SHX system, a technology for immersive and customized sensory stimuli, and Magic Mirror. The director of the centre, Cristina López, tells us in this article about the challenges they have faced and overcome, and the progress they are achieving thanks to this new space.

“We have had the opportunity to acquire the most innovative technology for multisensory rooms thanks to the SHX System. Our aim was to use it together with the Magic Mirror and to address the different components affecting an individual after a neurological injury.” – Cristina López, director of the Lescer Center.

SHX System

The SHX technology for multisensory rooms facilitates therapeutic intervention  as well as the interaction of the user or patient with their sensory system, bringing positive results.

This technology turns a sensory room into an immersive and interactive space in which the user can control the room in different ways. In addition, the SHX system allows therapists to personalize the sessions to each user. Professionals can add their own audiovisual content or use those included in the tablet that comes with the whole system.

  • The therapist can modify the level of interaction according to the patient and the therapeutic objectives.
  • The editing capability of the system allows us to customize and adapt the session using the various elements in the room.

Infinite possibilities to interact

The SHX technology allows users to actively interact in the sessions, since they can also control the room, the lighting devices, contents projected on the screen, vibration, and sound. The interactivity and immersion is significant.

“Directing the therapy towards ‘patient participation’ is extremely important” – Cristina López, director of the Lescer Center.

According to Cristina López, the greatest therapeutic challenge for professionals who are dedicated to Acquired Brain Injury, is to be able to work therapeutically and attempt a rehabilitation of the altered functions of the patients with the objective of applying the treatment to other contexts. Thus, the patients are able to apply the treatment to their daily life with the greatest possible autonomy and with minimum risks.

Centro Lescer, sesión con usuario

The SHX System has allowed them to create highly personalized levels of work and, above all, direct the therapy towards ‘patient participation’.

Session with Stephanie and Peter

In one of the sessions we were able to analyze the patient’s altered functions according to their neurological damage. For example, we placed into practice the functional activities that allowed Peter to interact, as though he was in the supermarket making a purchase. Thus, he could experience the activity in the first person within the room.

Thanks to the SHX System, we are able to do all the preparatory work of the upper limb as well as the control of the trunk, the tone regulation, the improvement of the body’s structure, the visual perception, the oculus-manual coordination and the manual dexterity in the desired setting.

Also, with the Magic Mirror we created an avatar with the image of the patient and a scenario with real images of the supermarket, where each element was given a level of interaction according to  the patients abilities.

Sesión en Centro Lescer, usuario en un supermercado gracias a Magic Mirror y Sistema SHX

In this way, and within the same session, we were able to develop the analytical work of the altered functions of the patient according to his neurological damage, putting into practice the functional activities that allowed him to interact, believe or think that he was in the supermarket making the purchase.


logo centro lescer


This article has been written by the Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy of the Lescer Centre and reviewed by the marketing team of Qinera.


Free Project Design

If you want to learn more about the benefits of Multisensory Environments or see how you could adapt it to your space, therapeutic goals, and users, you can send an email to

Written by:

Jennifer Arellano

Social Media & Content Manager at Qinera

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